Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Party Time!

My grandpa was a truck driver who often had long hauls requiring him to sleep overnight in his rig.  Apparently, in the parking lots of some pretty unsavory truck stops.  One day, when my mom was in high school, my grandpa came home from work in a pretty foul mood.  "Millicent*!" sez my grandpa. "I want you to go get a big piece of posterboard and make me a sign." 

"OK, what do you want on it?"

"I want it to say in big letters, 'I DO NOT WANT TO PARTY'."

"What does that mean?"

"Never mind; just do it.  I'm going to put that sign in the front window of my truck tonight and get some sleep."

Those lot lizards never bothered my grandpa again, because HE DID NOT WANT TO PARTY.

*This is totally not my mom's name. 


  1. Aren't you glad that a quarter of your DNA can come from an awesome Grandpa?!?! Did I do my math right? I was never great at Biology

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